Call for entries: Zimbabwe Music Awards 2022
Zimbabwean artists are invited to submit entries for the 2022 Zimbabwe Music Awards (ZIMAs), which will take place in Harare on 19 February.
- Jah Master won three awards at the 2021 ZIMAs.
How to enter
Interested artists should submit their entries here before 31 December along with the following assets:
- The prescribed number of copies of the entered album or DVD. In the specified format, one original copy of CD/CDR/DVD is required before 31 December. For online submission, a high-quality video clip, audio clip or link will be accepted.
- A declaration of all licensed recordings on submissions may be requested for.
- In the Best Collaboration category, written approval by a collaborating artist who is not signed to the entrant will be required.
- The prescribed publicity materials for groups or individuals entered.
Entries are open to Zimbabwe Musicians Union members and non-members alike. Entries are open in respect of any qualifying groups or individuals being a person who:
- Is a Zimbabwean citizen or someone who has been granted a permanent resident status in Zimbabwe for a minimum period of six months prior to the date of entry; and is a Zimbabwean entity and owns or controls the master recording plus copyright relating to the entry in question. Being in a duo or group formation, not less than 50% of the members of the duo/group must comply with the citizenship or permanent residency criteria set out in this clause.
- Is a Zimbabwean-based in the diaspora and whose music has performed well or is recognised internationally.
Other criteria
- The ZIMAs reserve the right to request documented/written proof that all groups or individuals qualify. The documents that may be requested include, among others, a) Zimbabwean identity document, b) permanent residence permit.
- Unless the category states otherwise, the entries of collaborations between qualifying Zimbabwean groups or individuals and their international counterparts are allowed – provided that the participation of the Zimbabwean groups or individuals is given equal recognition.
- The method employed by the independent auditors in determining the shortlist will take into consideration both the number of plays and the impact or audience reach achieved over the qualifying period.
- Unless otherwise stated, awards are presented for album entries. An album is defined as a commercially available release in any current and known format, subject to the following: it must contain not less than two (2) tracks of previously unreleased recorded performances.
Read more guidelines and requirements here.
Below is the full list of categories:
- Afropop
- Best Album of the Year
- Best Alternative
- Best Collaboration
- Best Corporate Sponsor
- Best DJ
- Best Female Artist of the Year
- Best Group of the Year
- Best International Zim Artist
- Best Male Artist of the Year
- Best Music Video
- Best Newcomer of the Year
- Best Promoter
- Best Videographer
- Chinyakare
- Contemporary Gospel
- Dance
- Engineer of the Year
- Hip Hop
- Imbube
- Jazz
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Most Downloaded Song
- Producer of the Year
- Retro Icon Award 1
- Retro Icon Award 2
- R&B and Soul
- Song of the Year
- Sungura
- Traditional Gospel
- Tshibilika
- Zimdancehall
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