Call for applications: Sony Music Group Global Scholars Programme
Sony Music Group is inviting students around the world to apply for its Global Scholars Programme.
- The application deadline is 25 July.
The programme is a commitment through Sony’s Global Social Justice Fund and designed to provide scholarships for students enrolled in a wide range of leading music and music business-related fields of study at accredited colleges and universities.
- The scholarship is open to students who are planning to enrol full-time in an accredited college or university degree, including three- to four-year undergraduate degree programmes, in music or music business-related fields of study during the academic year of 2022-23.
- Maintain a US equivalent GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or above is required to apply for this scholarship.
- An applicant’s academic record must show potential to succeed in a college/university programme in their intended music industry field.
- A demonstrated financial need.
- Applicants do not need to be accepted into a programme at the time of application, but if selected for a scholarship, proof of full-time enrolment will be required before scholarship funds can be sent.
Interested applicants can apply online here before 25 July.
A complete application must be submitted in English and will include:
- A personal statement (up to 3 500 characters).
- An estimate of the applicant’s expected tuition and mandatory fees to complete his or her degree programmes during the academic year of 2022-23.
- Two reference letters. The letters must come from non-family members who know the applicant well, e.g. a teacher, instructor, professor, employer/work supervisor, scout leader, advisor to an extracurricular club, etc.
- High school transcript/grade report issued by the school (for applicants from the United Kingdom or Commonwealth countries, A level, O level, GCSE or BTEC results are also acceptable).
- Only applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed. Falsifying or plagiarising any portion of an application is grounds for automatic disqualification.
The overall goals of the programme include:
- To support students through their college careers and guide them towards college completion.
- To help steward and cultivate students throughout their college career by providing enrichment programming and exposure to Sony Music Group’s music professionals and industry.
- To help build and grow a diverse talent demographic of young music leaders towards gainful employment.
- To help alleviate the financial burden of students from diverse backgrounds for up to the period of the degree programme or upon completion, whichever is sooner, depending on financial need and region.
Duration of scholarships
- Scholarships may be renewed for up to three additional years or until completing your degree, whichever occurs first.
- Renewal of awards are contingent on having at least a US equivalent of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale toward your degree programme and continued full-time enrolment in music or music business-related fields of study, and continuation of the programme by Sony Music Group.
- Awards are for undergraduate study only.
Scholarship benefits
- Scholarship amounts will range between $3 000 and $20 000 per academic year for required tuition and mandatory fees to complete students’ degree programmes and vary depending on the location of the college/university, the type of college/university (state university, private university, etc.), and the Sony Music Group Global Scholar’s expected financial need.
- Scholarships are intended to assist students as they pursue undergraduate study and are not intended to cover all educational expenses. Recipients are responsible for the balance of funding, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, living expenses and transportation.
- In addition to receiving the scholarship, Sony Music Group Global Scholars may be given other opportunities by Sony Music Group to further their professional development, including unpaid internship or mentorship opportunities.
- Upon acceptance, the Sony Music Group Global Scholars Programme will provide a wide range of enrichment programming, including structured events and webinars to connect with SMG industry experts to cultivate an international cohort of future music industry professionals.
Payment of awards
- Scholarship payments will be sent directly to educational institutions on behalf of students on an annual basis.
Scholarship applicants will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Achievement and potential in music fields.
- Demonstrated leadership potential and ability.
- Personal character, commitment and potential in their chosen field of study and future music industry career.
- Clearly expressed financial need to support educational goals.
- Academic achievement.
- Career and academic goals in line with stated scholarship objectives.
- Compelling references.
Notification of selection results
- All applicants will be notified of their application status (successful or unsuccessful) by the end of September.
- The Sony Music Group Global Scholars Programme is a competitive programme; not all applicants will be selected as recipients.
- Recipients will need to submit verification of their full-time enrolment in an accredited college or university in order to receive their scholarship awards.
- For students in the US selected for the scholarship, IIE will require that they submit their financial aid package information. Based on the student’s unmet financial needs, IIE will determine the scholarship amount ranging between $3 000 and $20 000.
- Scholarship recipients who are not able to produce proof of enrolment by the date indicated in the award letter will no longer be eligible and an alternate candidate will be selected.
View the original call here.
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