Open call: Online music career mentorship programme
Music professionals across Africa are invited to register for a free three-month online music career mentorship programme.
- The programme will be hosted by Kenyan singer and songwriter Olivia Ambani.
The mentorship programme will be hosted by award-winning Kenyan singer and songwriter Olivia Ambani, who was inspired to create the initiative as a way of bringing about the change that she would like to see in the music industry in the continent.
All sessions will be held virtually and will be a combination of group and one-on-one sessions. Some of the topics to be covered include:
- Music marketing.
- How to get booked for live gigs.
- Growing your income streams.
- Financial literacy for artists.
- Songwriting, collaborations and much more.
Additionally, Ambani will be sharing insights from her music career journey.
Those interested should register here before 28 July 2024.
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