Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca Collection


The Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca is a collection of newspaper clippings, fliers, posters, programs and other publicity materials, along with photographs, books, and test pressings of O.D.J.B. records, correspondence and sheet music. The collection also includes five scrapbooks, created by Nick LaRocca.

Housed at Tulane University, the materials are arranged into twelve series according to medium or subject: newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, journals and magazines, sheet music, publicity, business and personal documents, deposition, oversize materials, scrapbooks, books, albums and test pressings. Each series has its own box and folder list.

Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca (1889-1961) was a self-taught New Orleans cornetist who became the leader of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, which made the first recording of jazz in New York City in 1917. Based on the popularity of the recording and live performances, the O.D.J.B. became a sensation, traveling to England in 1919. After returning to the U.S. in 1920, the band broke up in 1925 and then refomed briefly from 1936-38, after which LaRocca Returned to New Orleans to resume work as a contractor.

USNew Orleans, United States


Tulane University
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 19 oct 2015