09 juil 2024Appel à candidatures : membres du Conseil d'...Six sièges seront ouverts au Conseil d'administration de la Fondation Music In Africa (MIAF) en...Par Music In Africa...
03 juil 2024Call for nominations: MIAF board membersSix seats will open on the Management Board of the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) in November...Par Music In Africa...
13 déc 2022Music In Africa Foundation elects new board at 10th AGMThe Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) elected a new board at its milestone 10th Annual General...Par Music In Africa...
08 juin 2021Call for applications: MIAF advisory committeesPan-African non-profit organisation the Music In African Foundation (MIAF) is calling on industry...Par Music In Africa...
14 juil 2020Call for nominations: MIAF board membersSix seats will open on the Management Board of the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) in November...Par Music In Africa...
23 juin 2020Rob Hooijer appointed MIAF interim treasurer The management board of the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) is pleased to welcome Mr Robert...Par Music In Africa...
28 mai 2019Call for applications: MIAF advisory committeesPan-African non-profit organisation the Music In African Foundation (MIAF) is calling on industry...Par Music In Africa...