12 juil 2023Watch UNESCO’s A Thousand Colours film featuring Music In...The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), in association with...Par Ano Shumba
30 mai 2023All set for Botswana’s first National Music Industry SummitBotswana’s first National Music Industry Summit (NMIS) has been confirmed for MASA Hotel in the...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
24 mai 2022Music In Africa releases report on SA music revenue streamsThe Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) is pleased to announce the release of the Revenue Streams for...Par Music In Africa...
24 mai 2022Funding opportunities for South African musiciansMusic projects and productions require a level of financing to reach their full potential. Several...Par Anga Hackula
24 mai 2022Crowdfunding platforms for musiciansSince its inception in 1997 , crowdfunding has seen $34 billion raised from more than six million...Par David Cornwell
24 mai 2022Opportunities in the development sector for South African...In addition to mainstream teaching opportunities , as well as online courses and e-learning...Par Music In Africa...
24 mai 2022NFTs and crypto technology for musiciansNon-fungible tokens (NFTs) have already displayed their potential in the art world, with Mike ‘...Par Sabelo Mkhabela
24 mai 2022An overview of music copyrights in South AfricaCopyright can be a complex and daunting field, but a good understanding of how copyright works is...Par Finn MacKinnon
24 mai 2022How music copyrights generate revenue in South AfricaIf you are unsure about how music copyrights in South Africa are structured, or how are they are...Par Finn MacKinnon
24 mai 2022The importance of music metadata and radio monitoringWe have seen from previous articles , covering music copyrights in South Africa and how they...Par Music In Africa...
24 mai 2022Registering with collective management organisations in...Music rights are a crucially important income stream for South African musicians. However, in order...Par David Cornwell
24 mai 2022A guide to record and publishing deals in South AfricaSimon Robson, president of international recorded music at Warner, stated in the 2021 Global Music...Par David Cornwell