26 juil 2022Ghana: Interim directorate to lead GHAMRO as court...The high court in Accra has nullified the elections held by the Ghana Music Rights Organisation (...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
13 avr 2021GHAMRO board elections rescheduled to 5 MayThe election committee of the Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO) has settled on 5 May as the...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
18 mar 2021GHAMRO reopens nominations for board electionsThe Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO) has reopened nominations for the election of its new...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
13 déc 2017Ghana: GHAMRO could delay artist paymentsThe Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO) has announced that the December round of royalty...Par Carlos Ncube
20 mar 2017Ghana: Rex Omar elected chairman of GHAMRORex Omar has emerged chairman of the Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO). The highlife...Par IfeOluwa Nihinlola
13 mar 2017Ghana: Controversy surrounds GHAMRO board electionFollowing the resignation of the thirteen-member board of the Ghana Music Rights Organisation (...Par IfeOluwa Nihinlola