23 Feb 2023Suivez les derniers concerts MIALive avec Sun-El Musician,...La Fondation Music In Africa a publié une sélection de performances live qui ont eu lieu dans...Par Alvin Matanda
21 Feb 2023Watch latest MIALive concerts ft. Sun-El Musician, Vivi...The Music In Africa Foundation has published a selection of live music performances from across the...Par Music In Africa...
20 oct 2022Listen to podcast series with inspirational women in SA...Texx Talks Xxtra, in partnership Bae Electronica, With Love The Agency and the Music In Africa...Par Ano Shumba
30 sep 2022MIALive: Season 3 of Vibe na Queen to air in OctoberThe third season of the all-female Kenyan music and dialogues showcase Vibe na Queen will return in...Par Peter Choge
13 sep 2022MIALive: Women In Music Concert Series returns to Nairobi...The popular Women In Music Concert Series showcasing Kenyan women artists is set to return after a...Par Peter Choge
05 sep 2022MIALive: Adorkor Band to stream free gig from GhanaGhanaian music production agency Creative Matta, in partnership with the Music In Africa (MIAF)...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
31 aoû 2022SA: UJ Arts and Culture to host jazz celebration in JoburgThe University of Johannesburg’s Arts & Culture department, in partnership with the Music In...Par Ano Shumba
31 aoû 2022MIALive : NAFAA annonce un concert 100% féminin en Gambie !La National Female Artist Association (NAFAA) de Gambie, en partenariat avec la Fondation Music In...Par Jean de Dieu BO...
30 aoû 2022MIALive: NAFAA announces women’s concert in the GambiaThe National Female Artist Association (NAFAA) in the Gambia, in partnership with the Music In...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
23 aoû 2022Music In Africa Live announces grant recipients for 2022The Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) is pleased to announce the 2022 Music In Africa Live (MIALive...Par Music In Africa...
24 nov 2021Appel à candidatures : formation en Fundraising - Culture...Culture Funding Watch invite les opérateurs culturels d'Afrique et de la diaspora, à postuler pour...Par Jean de Dieu BO...
03 nov 2021Les lauréats 2021 du programme Music In Africa Live sont...La Fondation Music In Africa est heureuse d'annoncer les lauréats 2021 du programme Music In Africa...Par Music In Africa...