28 nov 2023Open call: Creation Africa – Kenya m-learning courses for...Creation Africa – Kenya is calling on creatives based in Kenya who want to develop their business...Par Peter Choge
09 nov 2023ACCES 2023 interview: Nigerian music and tech executive Ugo...ACCES 2023 speaker Ugo Akachukwu ’s work typically places him at the nexus of art and technology.Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
11 juil 2022Call for applications: TikTok music content partnerships...Chinese short-form video platform TikTok is seeking a content partnerships lead for its music...Par Butchie Seroto
15 Feb 2022MatchTune launches ‘easy’ track editing toolFrench music tech company MatchTune today announced the launch of TuneBlades, an AI-powered app...Par Butchie Seroto
02 déc 2021Ghana: Republic Spirit to launch new music museumGhana’s Republic Bar and Grill co-founder and creative entrepreneur Raja Owusu-Ansah later this...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
19 juil 2021Call for entries: Performance arts festival in IndonesiaThe Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) festival in Surakarta, Indonesia, is inviting artists...Par Lucy Ilado
10 juin 2021Call for entries: FoPe Fest in the UKThe International Festival of Folk and People Arts (FoPe Fest) in London, UK, is accepting...Par Lucy Ilado
22 mar 2021Call for applications: Clubhouse Creator First accelerator...US audio startup Clubhouse is calling on creators to submit their applications for its Creator...Par Butchie Seroto
01 mar 2021Call for submissions: Free music digitisation for artists...The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, in partnership with Infinite View...Par Ano Shumba
02 déc 2020SA musicians, insurance company partner on My Body remakeSouth African company 1st for Women Insurance has partnered with local musicians on a remake of the...Par Butchie Seroto
21 sep 2020BPI to host Music, Wellbeing and Technology sessionThe British Photographic Industry (BPI), in association with Music Ally, will host a virtual...Par Butchie Seroto
31 juil 2020Freemuse launches campaign to tackle artistic violations...Artists' rights organisation Freemuse has launched a campaign called #KnowArtisticRights alongside...Par Lucy Ilado