Abinel Obed


Abinel Obed is an artist from Tanzania. 


Mr. ABINEL OBED was born in the village of Mugitamo found in Ngara district of Kagera region. It was in the 1980’s when the extended family members celebrated the baby boy.

As he reached the school age he couldn’t be taken to school directly because of the local belief of such family. Only the mother was fighting to make sure the child goes to school, this in turn led to the divorce and the child went to school.

Abinel did his primary education at Murgwanza Primay School, and secondary school in Ngara Secondary school, then later in Mwenge high School taking History, Kiswahili and English language (HKL). Since childhood, he was interested in music and Education career. He used to sing in choirs during holidays and short break and in school choirs. The low income of the mother couldn’t afford him joining higher education, this stimulated the decision to join Butimba teachers college where he could realize Music and Education altogether and this was in the year of 2013. The two year course ended in May 2015.

He later joined Mchungaji Mwema secondary school as a part time teacher teaching English language and History subjects. This part time job ensured the ability to move on with life where he could manage to have his own family as he got married to a beautiful wife (Rejoice) with who they have two wonderful children (Milcah and Milan).

Since 2018, Abinel has been working with Kisimiri Secondary school as a part time teacher teaching Music and sometimes Civics. With such job he has been doing well to the extent of being nominated by the National Art Council of Tanzania to be the most successful Music teacher in 2022. This was due to the National Examination result of form four and form two which had only the grades of A, B and C.

In the year 2022, Abinel decided to join Makumira University in order to develop Music education skills. This is due to the desire to reach far with Music as he gates chance to learn different music instruments and get exposed to other music learners with who have various skills and knowledge that can nature his ability. This will help him to become more confident when instructing and teaching music subject to his beloved students. In this course of study he learns to play Piano, recorder, Lead guitar, Bass guitar and saxophone. Abinel would like to reach to bachelor level and later in higher education to specialize in sound engineering which he always dreamed of.

Apart from the above, Abinel likes Singing in choir, attending church services, watching football, playing volleyball and most importantly spending time with his beloved family.



Contact: +255763 751 693/+255621 663 136.



TZArusha, Tanzania
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Abinel Obed

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