Lanie Banks
Micheal Osings (born October, 10,1996), better known by his stage name Lanie Banks is a Ugandan Rapper , song writer and director from Kampala Uganda. He initially gained recognition when he performed at Club Venom located in Kampala along side an established Nigerian artist Davido Adeleke and Ugandan artist named Pallaso Mayanja on September 19th 2015 at the NANSU AWARDS. This event was organized by the National Association of Nigerian Students in Uganda.
Right from his childhood, Osings had always involved himself in music related fields and activities like Karaoke, dancing scripts and song writing. He was also a member of the Sunday school choir , his dream and ambition of taking music as a career was stimulated when he watched his Sunday school music teacher , Cinderella Sanyu alias Cindy on television enjoying a successful musical career in the Ugandan Music Industry.
In December 2015, Osings decided to Venture into the music recording world and successfully recorded his singles that include; Tondopa, My Moment and My Girl. These records were aimed at supporting his forth coming EP album chain of emotion yet to be launched and released
Early Life
Osings was born in Mbale, Uganda. He attended Nabuyonga Primary School , However his parents were surprised and very proud of him when he excelled in school by attaining a first grade in his Primary Leaving Examinations (P.L.E). He was automatically admitted to Mbale Secondary School due to his good grades. He managed to attain his Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E), However , he later relocated to Kampala for further studies where he joined St John’s College but got expelled just after two terms of learning shortly after his expulsion, his parents managed to secure him a vacancy at St. Peters S.S.S Naalya (SPENA) , He finally attained his Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) , here he scored 3 principal passes and 2 Subsidiary Passes . He is currently attending his final semester at Makerere University, Kampala (MUK) , College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Majoring in the discipline of Sociology under Bachelor of Social work and Social Administration.
Musical Career
2011 to 2013
Osings used to perform in numerous bars and clubs around Kampala hoping to be spotted by Talent scouts but this did not work because he had no recorded music at the time. They were moments when he felt low and did not want anything to do with music, during such times he was comforted and encouraged by his older and more experienced friends at that time , Shanks Monitor and Shanks Vivi Dee. Among the artists and acts he admired secretly were Atlas da African , Maurice Kirya and Cindy.
2013 to 2015
Osings later on met Kaz Kasozi a Jazz and Classic music artist who was working at the Uganda Cultural Centre (National Theartre) and Bayimba Uganda. Kaz Kasozi invited Osings for music classes were he learned how to write professional songs and scripts, his other teacher at...