Melo Drummer


Melody Debra Mutembo is a Performing Artist who holds Certificates in Music and Audio Engineering with Music Crossroads Academy Zimbabwe whereby she was employed and worked in the Technical Department with the same Academy from 2018 to 2022 . Melody is a multi instrumentalist ,plays Drums both African mainly Zimbabwean and Western Drum kit .For two years now she has been a drum facilitator at the Music that Matters Camp at Peter House Girls School
She has worked with great Musicians like Habib Koite at a Harare International Festival of Arts Collaboration, worked also with Othnel 'Mangoma' Moyo,Janet Manyowa,Gemma Griffiths,Hope Masike,Guspy Worrior to mention a few and has also helped in facilitating the building up of some All Female Ensembles namely Vedu Band and Music Crossroads Divas Band ,the Stilleto Affairs and currently she is playing with Vedu All Female Band and Music According to Percussion.

She joined MAP in 2017 and has performed at quite a number of festivals including, Miombo, HIFA, Jacaranda,Lake of Stars Malawi, Mazibuye Cultural Heritage Expo in South Africa, Let them Arts Schools festival, Harare Carnival, Culture Week ,ZimFest and in schools around Harare
She has also been part of some musical and theatre productions in Zimbabwe,Zimboita ,Bongile We Are, Guruuswa a Sounds of Africa production and Tamba Afrika Mbira production included.

Melody has trained as a Stage Manager at Jacaranda Music Festival 2021 and was part of the stage management team for the festival.In the same year November , she was part of the Gender@work programme by Music In Africa and got trained as a Stage manager whereby she worked as part of the stage technical team throughout the ACCESS Festival.
2022 October Jacaranda Festival,Melody had an opportunity to work as the Stage Manager for the whole festival and it was a success.
May 2023,she was the Stage Manager for UB 40's Zimbabwe tour as well as the Jacaranda Music Festival October 2023 and she keeps on growing

Her career is passion and love driven and loves so much to work with women, girls, boys and men who find it hard to get an opportunity as such especially those in remote areas. Her dream is to build schools and homes for the disadvantaged and pass the knowledge and love for music to the next generation.


ZWHarare, Zimbabwe
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+263719 657089
+263783 657089
Melody Mutembo

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