Modise Sekgothe


Modise Sekgothe is an award winning poet, actor, playwright, vocalist and percussionist from Johannesburg, South Africa. Much of his work reflects on the human condition from a spiritual and existential point of view, using personal narratives from his own life and the lives of those around him to reflect on our experiences of love and it’s entanglement with loss.

Some of his work has been published in Home Is Where The Mic Is, a performance poetry anthology by Botsotso Publishers. His accolades include: the Word N Sound Innovation in Poetry Award 2015 and 2016, the WNS Showcase of the Year Award 2014 and 2015, as well as the WNS Perfect Poem Award 2015. On the audio front, he has thus far released a highly acclaimed poetry and music EP called DIPOKO tsa DIPOKO and a solo album called Meera Me. He has performed at the Split This Rock Poetry Festival (Washington DC), Melville Poetry Festival, aFREWKa Poetry Festival, Speak Out Loud Festival, Spoken Freedom Festival and Grahamstown National Arts Festival, to mention a few.

Some of his best works include an award-winning multimedia collaborative project called Metropolar, a marriage of spoken-word poetry, music and animation, exploring the contrasting realities of life in the Johannesburg CBD. This includes an award-winning multimedia project called Meera Me, a performance piece that merges documentary and live performance through music and spoken word poetry to explore the multi-layered issues of love and relationship. As a mutli-disciplinary artist, he’s main aim is to collaborate with artists of other disciplines aside from poetry in order to explore the many ways in which the word can be interpreted and experienced in multi-layered contexts.


Portrait de Modise Sekgothe

Modise Sekgothe a ajouté un nouveau morceau

Track artwork
Children of the Wind
Travelling Swans
Portrait de Modise Sekgothe

Modise Sekgothe a ajouté 9 nouvelles vidéos

Modise Sekgothe - A Song Sat With Me
Modise Sekgothe - When The Wind Blows
Modise Sekgothe - FEWA


Track artwork
Children of the Wind
Travelling Swans


Modise Sekgothe - Walk Like Shame
Modise Sekgothe - We Know Not What It Is
Modise Sekgothe - When Rain Falls
Modise Sekgothe - As Lonely As The Sun
Modise Sekgothe - FEWA
Modise Sekgothe - When The Wind Blows
Modise Sekgothe - When The Sun Shines
Modise Sekgothe - Beside Beyond
Modise Sekgothe - A Song Sat With Me


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
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Modise Sekgothe

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