ONABAJO OLAWALE (born January 30) known professionally as Ola, is a Nigerian Gospel Singer, Recording Artist and Songwriter. She is also OAP with a family oriented program titled "Boode o dun" which is currently on air on different TV station across the country.
She has 4 musical albums to her credit with numerous awards and nominations in MEGA AWARDS and TOPNAIJA AWARDS among others. Presently being nominated in 2 categories in the year PRAYZE FACTORS PEOPLE CHOICE AWARD 2019 Edition in USA.
She bagged an honorary doctorate degree in Christain Ministry in the year 2017 from the prestigous Publishing Unviversity, New Orleans, USA.
She is also into Catering and Event Mangement, Film Making and Acting and a strong social commentator.
She is presently anchoring two programs with Orisun TV, namely OGO-IGBALA and ETO BABA ETO and is married to Seunnlafunmie Onabajo, an architect and music entrepreneur.