Weku Kronkron


Weku Kronkron is an Afropop band from Accra, Ghana.

Weku Kronkron was formed in Ghana by bandleader Moses Batintora in 2006. Batintora's missionary zeal was later supported by band members Boniface Batintora, Francisca Allotey, and Clement Teiko Agbo. Batintora holds a bachelor’s degree of art in music.

The band sings in English and French and uses instruments from different African countries. The ensemble has composed and recorded more than 50 songs.

In 2012, Weku Kronkron was awarded the Best Afro Band prize by IMD (Institute for Music and Development).


Portrait de Weku Kronkron

Weku Kronkron a ajouté 2 nouvelles vidéos

AAYA MUMUNDE (Janjalou Version)
MANYA (Janjalou Version)
Portrait de Weku Kronkron

Weku Kronkron a ajouté 6 nouvelles vidéos

Osangoi 2016 Psalm 1501
Wekukronkron La Voix Yumi Psalm 150 Official 480P
Wekukrokron Band 1 Dee Benu


MANYA (Janjalou Version)
AAYA MUMUNDE (Janjalou Version)
Wekukrokron Band 1 Dee Benu
Osangoi 2016 Psalm 1501
TRIM 20180108 1945011
Wekukronkron La Voix Yumi Psalm 150 Official 480P
Wekukronkron La Voix Yumi Psalm 150 Official Video
Wekukronkron La Voix - AmazinBands


GHAccra, Ghana
Opérationnel depuis: 


Moses Batintora

Followers (8)

Following (59)