Call for applications: Digital art projects
The British Council has launched the DICE Digital R&D fund to support the delivery of digital experiences that, among other objectives, will explore new ways of engaging with audiences.
- The application deadline is 15 December. Photo: British Council
The fund is part of the British Council’s Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) fund for creative and social enterprises in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa and the UK.
A total of 20 pairs of organisations will receive funding ranging between £7 000 ($9 400) and £15 000. The organisations will be required to develop and co-designed digital experiences that contribute to the DICE programme’s mission and ethos:
- To cultivate essential connections between artists, entrepreneurs, policymakers, intermediaries, investors, funders and researchers to develop inclusive economic initiatives and systems together.
- To provide development and capacity building of creative social entrepreneurs and enterprises.
- To create the space for the co-design of policy and community-led initiatives.
- To strengthen intermediaries, including networks, hubs, incubators and accelerators.
- To share the important stories of creative social change makers.
- To explore the underlying processes and power dynamics that define how we connect, collaborate and create.
The proposed project should :
- Be delivered between February and May 2021.
- Encourage genuine connection and camaraderie between the participants.
- Encourage genuine collaboration between the two digital partners.
- Actively tackle digital fatigue and explore new ways of engaging multiple and different audiences.
The proposed project should explore any of the following topics:
- The art of listening.
- Minding your ego.
- Failure, gambiarra [a Portuguese word meaning the ‘the art of making do’] and adaptation.
- The art and science of codesign.
- The art of storytelling – as an advocacy tool.
- Creativity in action: how to move from ideation to execution in business and art.
- Collaboration versus competition.
- Power and participation.
- Your conscious and unconscious biases.
- Using humour to build trust, businesses and communities.
- The Sustainable Development Goals.
The proposed project should be tailored and produced for at least one of the following participant groups:
- Creative social entrepreneurs.
- Artists.
- Policymakers.
- Intermediaries (including hubs, community centres, networks, accelerators and incubators).
- Community leaders.
- Funders and investors.
The proposed project should be designed by, with and/or for groups that are disadvantaged in the economy, including:
- Youth.
- Women.
- Disabled people.
- Those otherwise disadvantaged because of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class or some combination thereof.
How to apply
Interested organisations can access the application form here.
The application deadline is 15 December 2020.
View the original call here.
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