National Arts Council of Zambia chairperson steps down
National Arts Council of Zambia (NACZ) chairperson Patrick Samwimbila has resigned with immediate effect.
- Patrick Samwimbila.
Samwimbila took over the NACZ chairmanship from Mulenga Kapwepwe in 2017 following the dissolution of the old board by the Ministry of Tourism and Arts. NACZ deputy chairperson Agnes Nyendwa will chair the council of board members until a new appointment is made.
“The current position is that we will wait for the minister or Ministry of Tourism and Arts to guide what the way forward is,” NACZ director Adrian Chipindi told Music In Africa. “One possibility is that the vice-chairperson, Agnes Nyendwa, will act until the end of the board's term, which ends in September, or she will act until the board has elections during its first board meeting of the year.”
He added: “In the meantime, what we know is that our chairperson resigned and all the work that needs to be done will be done by the vice-chairperson in her capacity as vice-chairperson.”
Samwimbila said he would be pursuing a political career: “My decision to step down from my position as the chairman of council before the end of my term is motivated by the desire to take my leadership to a higher level and continue serving my industry and the people of Munali [in the capital Lusaka].”
During his tenure, Samwimbila saw the return of the Ngoma Music Awards and the Presidential Arts Empowerment Scheme to sustain and grow the creative scene.
Samwimbila said he was privileged to have worked with artists from various disciplines. “The artists, I salute you, your support has really been overwhelming; imagine the total tranquillity we have enjoyed in the industry,” he said during a press briefing.
“We had no time for bickering and fighting among ourselves in the media. We resolved our issues silently as a family and focussed on working hard and building a positive image of our industry. Please, even in the run-up to the August 2021 election, remain united.”
Samwimbila also implored creatives to work together and build the local arts scene. “But before I go, here is my message to the next chairperson, the board, management, national arts associations and our esteemed artists: please remain united and focused while working hard to support our hardworking Minister, the honourable Ronald Kaoma Chitotela and our President, his excellency Dr Edgar Lungu, in the quest to continue building and developing our industry.”
The NACZ, which began operating in 1996, has been steered by three chairpersons to date: Mumba Kapumpa (1996-2003), Kapwepwe (2004-17) and Samwimbila (2017-21). Kapumpa, who contributed to the establishment of the Ngoma Music Awards, was pressured to resign while his successor had her position dissolved by the Ministry of Tourism and Arts Tourism following backlash from artists who said she had “overstayed” her welcome.
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