Open call: Participatory Residency Programme in Cologne
The Academy of the Arts of the World (ADKDW), together with Un-Label, is inviting artists, activists and cultural workers with disabilities, or disabled artists, activists and cultural workers of all disciplines from around the world to apply for the Participatory Residency Programme in Cologne, Germany, from April to September 2025.
- The application deadline is 15 October.
Based on a self-selected subject, an artist-in-residence will develop a participatory programme for the Un-Label network and implement it in collaboration with the ADKDW team.
Who can apply?
- The call is addressed to artists, activists and cultural workers with disabilities, or disabled artists, activists and cultural workers of all disciplines.
- Artists and activists whose artistic practice focuses on participatory formats are invited to apply. The programme is specifically designed to be independent of genre and sees networking and community work as important components of artistic, cultural and/or activist work.
- The residency is not only aimed at individuals. Applications from collectives are also welcome. However, the planned budget for groups is identical to the positions mentioned above.
Note: Due to the lack of space and accessibility of the apartment and the limited financial and personnel resources, the programme is currently unable to accept people who require additional resources for permanent assistance (e.g. interpretation, work or mobilisation assistance). For example, the participation of deaf artists is therefore only possible with their own work assistance and knowledge of German Sign Language (DGS).
What is offered
The ADKDW and Un-Label provide rooms for work and events for a maximum duration of six weeks by arrangement. In addition, the ADKDW provides the artists-in-residence with a non-barrier-free one-bedroom apartment with an elevator and balcony for the duration of the programme. Smaller support measures such as support in the bathroom, mobile ramps, etc. can be provided if required. The organisers provide office equipment and working materials as well as basic equipment for events.
Financial resources of the residence:
- €2 000 (about $2 190) per month as a scholarship.
- €8 000 production budget.
- €5 000 for accessibility measures.
- €5 000 for work assistance or mentoring sessions.
- €2 000 travel costs (incl. visa, luggage and regional).
- €2 000 documentation/public relations.
The Participatory Residency Programme is looking for artists and activists who deal with intersectional, but especially anti-ableist and de- or postcolonial critique of power. The applicants’ practice should take the form of artistic projects with aspects of power critique, participation and involvement in a contemporary cultural environment.
The artists-in-residence are expected to design a series of participatory activities and plan and implement events with the community in Cologne. The activities and events should be explicitly developed together and the aforementioned target group should not be seen as mere recipients of the programme.
The application
- Should be submitted in German or English (PDF document, max. 4 pages with font size 11, line spacing 1.5) to: residency@adkdw.org before 15 October.
- Should include a description of your project, including accessibility measures (motives and approach), a financial plan for costs for assistance staff or accessibility measures (template at the end of the call), and a timetable. The residency can also be held digitally in part, so please provide information on the desired attendance periods in Cologne.
- Can also include documents of your relevant projects, maximum five pages.
- Should include a list of requirements regarding accessibility, childcare, etc., as part of the applicant’s access rider.
- Provide in addition to the description of the project the following information: name, place of residence, date of birth, contact details (email address) and, if available, online presence (website, Instagram).
Note: All application documents should be sent in one PDF document. The project outline in the application should serve as a basis for further developing the project on site. Experience in working at the interface of social and artistic work and previous projects in this area are therefore desirable.
View the original call here.
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