Uganda: Bobi Wine and Nubian Li release coronavirus song
Titled ‘Corona Virus Alert’, the song's lyrics highlight the virus’ symptoms and also urge people to exercise social distancing, frequently wash their hands, and other best practices to combat the deadly virus.
“See what is happening in Italy. Many people have died. Prevention is better than cure,” Nubian Lee sings.
Speaking to Music In Africa after the release of the song, Nubian Li said: “Everyone should take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this pandemic. Considering the state of our healthcare system, prevention is much better than treatment.”
He said the virus had paralysed every sector in the country including the entertainment industry.
"This is a wake-up call for artists to think outside the box. We should utilise social media and keep in touch with our fans during this period."
"Most artists solely depend on performance fees, especially in Africa because the royalty collection systems are not well-placed. It is clear now that we should push for copyright and royalty collection laws to be formulated and implemented so that we can earn from the comfort of our homes."
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