National Arts Council of Zimbabwe to host ResiliArt debate
The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) will on 14 May host a ResiliArt virtual debate to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on local events.
ResiliArt is a global movement that was launched by UNESCO to shed light on the far-reaching repercussions of COVID-19 on the cultural sector.
The event can be viewed here from 11am. The topic under discussion is The Impact of COVID:19 on the Cultural and Creative Industries in Zimbabwe: Lost Opportunities and Revenues, Building Resilience and Strategies for Survival During and Post the Lockdown Period.
The topic is divided into different themes, including opportunities in the lockdown period and beyond COVID-19 for local artists, assistance required for artists to resume their work, remaining creatives during the lockdown, and how to deal with indefinite confinement.
Panellists include musician Willis Wataffi, Bulawayo Arts Festival director Mambazo Phiri, Rooftop Promotions director Daves Guzha and Bulawayo Art Gallery director Butholezwe Nyathi.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, with global ramifications for the creative sector,” the NACZ said. “It has impacted the entire creative value chain creation, production, distribution and access. It has considerably weakened the professional, social and economic status of artists and cultural professionals.
“The cultural and creative sector in Zimbabwe has been especially vulnerable, as a large segment of the sector’s labour force has been left with limited to no access to conventional social protection mechanisms as a result of the lockdown measures initiated by government to curb the spread of the disease.”
The council also said it aimed to give visibility to artists worldwide and ensure their voices are heard at policy level to address existing gaps and needs.
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