Call for papers: SA Cultural Observatory Conference 2022
The South African Cultural Observatory (SACO) is inviting the public to submit abstracts, presentations or proposals for consideration at its fourth international conference in Pretoria, South Africa, on 9 and 10 November.
The conference will be a hybrid event with opportunities offered for both in-person and virtual attendees.
The International South African Cultural Observatory Conference will be held under the theme, Creative Economy Reset: Structuring the Creative and Cultural Industries for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future.
It will also cover the following macro themes:
- Dealing with disruption: trends, developments and responses - global perspectives on the creative economy.
- The cartography of the new creative economy: Constructing, categorising and revaluing the creative economy.
- International trade and creative markets.
- Cultural policy in transition.
- Innovation, adaptation, entrepreneurship: from theory to lived experience.
- Creative work and human capital.
- Cultural participation and consumption.
- The creative economy and digital transformation.
- Funding, financing and investing in the creative economy.
Who should participate?
- Local and international academics.
- Industry professionals and practitioners.
- Public managers, policymakers and intellectuals.
- Researchers and consultants.
- Private sector sponsors and practitioners.
- NGOs and NPOs.
- Arts funders and impact investors.
- Organisations working in cultural and creative industries (CCIs).
- Creative workers and young creators.
- Organisers of cultural festivals and events.
What abstracts and proposals should be submitted?
Proposals from fields that are relevant to the themes and subject matter outlined below will be considered. New proposals from practitioners, organisations and interested parties in all cultural and creative domains – and particularly case studies and reflections on lived experiences – are also welcome. Co-authored or presented pieces are welcome.
What should be included in your proposal?
- Proposals for papers and presentations should take the form of an abstract of between 300-400 words. Abstracts should show clearly how the relevant theme/s of the conference are addressed, the approach and the kinds of information used (such as data, case studies, literature reviews), and the findings and/or lessons learned.
- Proposals for popular or academic panel discussions should be accompanied by a short rationale, abstract or motivation, under 400 words, and a short outline of the speaker/s’ experience in the field.
Consideration will be given to all submissions and applicants will be notified of acceptance within two to three weeks of the deadline. Selected papers will be considered for a post-conference publication or academic output.
Interested participants should submit their abstracts and motivations here before 14 August.
View the original call here.
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