In conversation with Kenyan jazz band Shamsi Music
Although jazz in Kenya is growing, it is yet to be mentioned in the same breath as the scenes in South Africa or Ethiopia. There is great need for more live platforms for jazz musicians in Kenya, preferably smaller and consistent venues.
- Shamsi Music during this year's Safaricom International Jazz Festival in Nairobi.
Despite such challenges, Kenyan band Shamsi Music is making great headway in a country where pop and hip hop are the dominant forces. The six-piece fusion band’s guitarist Immanuel Mohol, drummer Kenn Njoroge and keyboardists Paul Mbithi and George Nyoro spoke to Music In Africa about their approach to music from an African perspective, singing through instruments, their latest album The Audition, the recording industry in Kenya and playing live. The band even played a few acoustic tunes during the interview, which was recorded at Katebul Music Studios in Nairobi.
Listen to the full interview here:
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