06 Mar 2025Le Prince Claus Fund lance un fonds d’urgence pour les...Le Prince Claus Fund a annoncé la création du fonds d’urgence pour les artistes, rendu possible...By Lamine BA
06 Mar 2025Prince Claus Fund launches $1.6m Artist Emergency FundThe Prince Claus Fund has announced the establishment of the Artist Emergency Fund, made possible...By Ano Shumba
23 May 2024Appel ouvert : Moving Narratives Cycle 2Moving Narratives soutient les pratiques créatives engagées vers des futurs équitables et justes...By Lamine BA
10 Apr 2024Open call: Prince Claus Fund Building Beyond programmeThe Prince Claus Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL is inviting creatives to submit...By Ano Shumba
19 Feb 2024Appel à candidatures : prix de mentorat du Prince Claus FundLe Prince Claus Fund et le Goethe-Institut invitent les artistes et les praticiens culturels à...By Inhouse team
01 Feb 2024Prince Claus Fund announces Cycle 3 Building Beyond...The Prince Claus Fund, in partnership with the Creative Industries Fund NL, has announced the 12...By Ano Shumba
15 Jan 2024Prince Claus Fund unveils Mentorship Award recipientsThe Prince Claus Fund, in collaboration with Goethe-Institut, has unveiled the 12 recipients of the...By Ano Shumba
04 Dec 2023Prince Claus Fund introduces international advisory boardThe Prince Claus Fund has introduced an international advisory board comprising nine members...By Ano Shumba
30 Oct 2023Prince Claus Fund announces 2023 Seed Awards recipientsThe Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, in partnership with the British Council and Ing Yoe Tan...By Ano Shumba
31 Mar 2023Call for applications: Cultural and Artistic Responses to...The Prince Claus Fund, in partnership with Goethe-Institut, is inviting cultural practitioners to...By Ano Shumba
06 Feb 2023Prince Claus Fund announces Building Beyond Mentorship...The Prince Claus Fund, in partnership with the Creative Industries Fund in the Netherlands, has...By Ano Shumba
13 Jan 2023Call for applications: Prince Claus Seed Awards 2023Emerging artists and cultural practitioners are invited to apply for the 2023 Prince Claus Seed...By Ano Shumba