16 Nov 2016Cultural policy in EritreaBy Senai W. Andemariam Even as Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, sets its eyes on attaining the World...By In-house East Africa
18 Aug 2016Les opportunités pour les musiciens au ZimbabwePar Innocent Tinashe Mutero L'industrie des arts au Zimbabwe a connu une croissance soutenue au fil...By Innocent Tinash...
18 Aug 2016L’éducation musicale au Malawipar Mayamiko Seyani Ce texte donne un aperçu de l’éducation musicale au Malawi. Il commence par un...By Music In Africa...
18 Aug 2016Les opportunités pour les musiciens au MalawiCe texte vise à donner un aperçu des différentes possibilités qui s’offrent aux musiciens au Malawi...By Timothy Ntilosanje
18 Aug 2016L’industrie de la musique en Namibie: son histoire et ses...Par Shishani Vranckx Malgré 25 ans d’indépendance, la structuration du secteur de la musique n’en...By Music In Africa...
22 Jun 2016Cultural policy in SwazilandThe small nation of Swaziland has gained a reputation in recent years as the last standing absolute...By Ralph Louis Smit
20 Apr 2016Opportunities for musicians in Ethiopia In a crowded music space, artists need to strategically position themselves if they are to get the...By Arefaynie Fantahun
01 Mar 2016Music education in EthiopiaBy Elias Gebreselassie The text provides an overview of music education in Ethiopia, tracing its...By In-house East Africa
03 Dec 2015Opportunities for musicians in MalawiThis text provides an overview of the various opportunities available to musicians in Malawi,...By Timothy Ntilosanje
17 Jul 2015The Namibian music industry: its history and institutionsBy Shishani Vranckx Namibia has had 25 years of independence yet stands at the beginning of a...By Music In Africa...
03 Mar 2015Active music institutions and organizations in TanzaniaBy Mandolin Kahindi The music industry in Tanzania has experienced many changes in the past 10...By In-house East Africa