For South Sudan

Bio features reports from and on South Sudan from the We Are Witness collective of frontline journalists and others. The platform was created and is maintained by Swartzberg PA.


Judaism. How well do you know it???? Take our test!!!
For South Sudan's picture

For South Sudan added 2 new videos

Teste Dein Wissen über das Judentum!
Flashing kippa! For a joyous and highly visible Judaism.
Shining Munich's Stolpersteine -TogetherDay with GSK!
The Becky Challenge: shining 100 Stolpersteine in Munich in 3 days!


Judaism. How well do you know it???? Take our test!!!
Teste Dein Wissen über das Judentum!
Flashing kippa! For a joyous and highly visible Judaism.
Shining Munich's Stolpersteine -TogetherDay with GSK!
The Becky Challenge: shining 100 Stolpersteine in Munich in 3 days!
Faces for the Names: the victims of the Mühldorf Concentration Camp
Commemoration by and for the young! Faces for the Names Mühldorf
Shabbat shalom Mühldorf!
Faces for the Names Mühldorf Concentration Camp: the march to the mass graves
Faces for the Names: Mühldorf Concentration Camp
Faces for the Names KZ-Außenlage Mühldorf: Gedenken am Bunkerbogen
Faces for the Names KZ-Außenlage Mühldorf: Gedenken am Massengrab
Faces for the Names KZ-Außenlage Mühldorf
Gedenken jung gedacht: Bewegende Beiträge der Schüler:innen des Ruperti Gymnasiums in Mühldorf
Schabbat shalom Mühldorf!
Frauen im Widerstand: Kämpferinnen für demokratische Werte
Begehbare Karte des jüdischen Lebens im Stadtbezirk Au-Haidhausen: eyes-on, hands-on Gedenken
Begehbare Karte Giesing-Harlaching: Schüler:innen bauen das jüdische Leben wieder auf
Zum international Holocaust Gedenktag 2024: Die Stolpersteine in München glänzen gold!
Faces for the Names Jewish life in Schwabing West
World's first walkable atlas of Jewish life - 5 square meters!
Bringing them back! Schülerbeiträge zu den Themen Widerstand und Zivilcourage
Bringing them back! They took on the Nazis! The rousing song!
How to create and place a Stolperstein - explained by Alima
Widerstand München: Wißt Ihr, was ich für Euch getan habe?
Wißt Ihr, was ich für Euch getan habe? Video über den Widerstand in München
Stolpersteine in Munich: placement on May 14, 2023
Bringing them back: young, creative and committed to commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust
Faces for the Names Kaufering VII
Yom HaShoa 2023 in Munich: commemoration with Stolpersteine
Ich wäre gerne bei Dir gewesen Video
Shabbat shalom Munich! Germany's first Shabbat for everyone!
Schabbat shalom München! Schabbat für alle am 31.3 im Kulturzentrum am Giesinger Bahnhof
Faces for the Names Widerstand in München. 22./23. März 2023 Justizpalast München
Ernst Grube: Wir lieben Dich!
Commemoration by the young: Bringing them back
Bringing them back!
Kaunas will never be forgotten!
Faces for the Names Sendling
Widerstand in der Maxvorstadt!
Stolpersteine! Slam-Rap für das Gedenken!
Faces for the Names: Rap für die Opfer des Holocausts
Stolpersteine Rap!
J.E.W.S. - for a joyous, committed and vigilant Judaism in Europe!
Faces for the Names Hamburg: Wenn Jugendliche gedenken!
Faces for the Names for Munich's Jews murdered in the Holocaust
Faces for the Names Reichspogromnacht in Munich
Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration - commemorating the victims of the Nazis
Stolpersteine - for each of the innocent victims of the Nazis
Faces for the Names
Fest des Jüdischen Lebens in Erlangen!
Haus des jüdischen Lebens in Erlangen: Kickoffveranstaltung am 12. Juli 2021
I discover the Stolpersteine! American in Germany's encounter with the commemoration of Holocaust
Faces for the Names Munich Jewish Sports Stars
Stolpersteine on Yom HaShoa 2021
Faces for the Names in Munich
Faces for the Names Stadelheim Hinrichtungsopfer
Black Tide Rei Kongo, Blekan Deka, El John & Kaya Fortunato oficial video
Black Tide The Owerri Philharmonic Ensemble from Nigeria
Anataban sings Black Tide - acapella version!
Munich's Stolpersteine - "guardians of memory"
Terry Swartzberg on Israeli TV: "We Jews in Germany are the experts on anti-Semitism"
אנא אל נא רפא נא לה
Name on the Stolpersteine - a song for Anne Frank
Sounding the shofar for solidarity!
South Sudanese: standing together against oil pollution!
Terry Swartzberg: Der Kippa Aktivist
Black Tide - a song to change the world!
Wie buchstabiert man M Ü N C H E N - mit 100 Kippot!
Kippa to the rescue! Munich kippa saves Germany from antisemitism, hate and racism!
Swartzberg on the Stolpersteine: USA speaking tour
Name on the Stolperstein
Terry Swartzberg on Israeli TV on antisemitism in Germany
Die Singenden Stolpersteine, München - Live Konzert vom Ensemble Zikoron
Die Singende Stolpersteine am 5. Mai in München!
Interview Nnimmo Bassey
Interview with Klaus Stieglitz of Sign of Hope
Justice in Jail in Bavaria Kunstaktion
Innocent or guilty? You decide - Benedikt Toth
Justice in Jail in Bavaria
One day ...for Benedikt Toth
Bruce Springsteen, please sing "Loneliest Man" - and get Benedikt Toth out of jail
The most dangerous thing a Jew can do in Germany
Free Benedikt Toth
SSSouth Sudan
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Terry Swartzberg

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