Ntombe Halam


Ntombe acknowledges God and her ancestors for the love and gift she has for African music. Hailing from the township of Gugulethu, Ntombe’s passion for music was invoked by her membership in the JL Zwane youth fellowship. She was a part of the church choir for 9 years playing the djembe and later reigning as the chairperson of the Youth fellowship from 2010 to 2012.

She was first introduced to iPlanga (Marimba) as Ntombe and her peers call it in 2012. Her love for the marimba landed her a life changing opportunity where she became the co-founder of Blackroots Marimba in 2012. Arm in Arm in Africa through JL Zwane Presbyterian church played a pivotal role in contributing to the musician Ntombe has become and sponsored the band with a set of Marimbas.

Ntombe’s greatest passion lies within sharing and teaching music to the youth. She acknowledges the marimba to having been her saviour through troubled times and hardships growing up. She ventured to become a music and life skills facilitator at Project Playground in Gugulethu. Through Blackroots she grew as a mucian taking to greater heights in achieving her dreams and manifestations in the industry. Ntombe has performed around South Africa as well as toured Mozambique in 2019 with Blackroots.

Currently Ntombe is pursuing her passion at the University of Cape Town at the South African College of Music towards a degree in African music and performance. Her degree has enabled her exposure to perfect various African instruments which she now plays such as Uhadi and Amadinda/Akadinda.


ZACape Town, South Africa
In operation since: 


Ntombekhaya Halam

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