ACCES Conference sessions (2017 programme)

Conference sessions

Friday 17 November

Conference registration

8:30 to 9:30
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Opening remarks and official welcome

9:30 to 9:45
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir
Aisha Deme
Manager - Siriworo (Senegal)

Keynote address

9:45 to 10:15
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir
Baaba Maal
Musician – Senegal

What you need to know about Senegal’s music industry

10:15 to 11:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

This panel will explore important segments of the Senegalese music sector, with particular focus on opportunities and challenges for both local and foreign players.

Daniel Gomes
Association of Music Professions of Senegal (AMS) – Senegal
Rokhaya Daba Sarr
Africa Fête Festival – Senegal
Saliou N'Dour
University of Saint Louis – Senegal
Alioune Diop
Journalist – Sénégal
Ousmane Faye
ADAFEST – Sénégal

Mobility & support for musicians in Africa

11:15 to 12:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Touring is key if musicians want to be successful. Yet, mobility remains the biggest challenge in Africa. What progress is being made and what does the future look like?

Ghita Khaldi
Founder - Afrikayna (Morocco)
Andre Le Roux
Managing Director - IKS Cultural Consulting (South Africa)
Mekbib Ayalew
Africa Union Commission – Ethiopia

Record labels in Africa – the changing realities

12:00 to 12:45
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

The role of record labels has changed significantly over the past years. This is an opportunity to hear from some of the most recognisable record label executives on the continent about these changes and what they mean for artists and the industry as a whole.

José Da Silva
Sony Music Entertainment – Côte d’Ivoire
Binetou Sylla
Syllart Records – France
Andre Le Roux
Managing Director - IKS Cultural Consulting (South Africa)

Exploration time

14:00 to 17:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Participants will partake in networking sessions and get a chance to view exhibitions at ACCES.

Saturday 18 November

Music distribution, new models & industry shifts

9:00 to 9:45
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Learn about the latest digital models employed around the globe. How are they succeeding and what are the challenges and opportunities?

Sipho Dlamini
President of Africa & The Middle East - gamma. (UAE)
Emmanuelle Faye
Keyzit – Sénégal
Thibaut Mullings
Head of African markets - IDOL (South Africa)
Michael Ugwu
Sony Music Entertainment – Nigeria
Moustapha Diop
Musik Bi – Senegal

Conflict and its effects on our music

9:45 to 10:45
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Conflict and wars have wrecked once thriving music sectors in such African countries as Mali, Somalia, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Nigeria and many others. This is an opportunity to learn about the realities in some of these countries, what is currently being done and hopes for the future.

Adé Bantu
Founder - Afropolitan Vibes (Nigeria)
Mamou Daffé
Festival on the Niger & Arterial Network – Mali
Jama Musse Jama
REDSEA Cultural Foundation – Somalia
Eddie K Hatitye
Director - MIAF (South Africa)

Hip hop in Senegal

11:05 to 12:05
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Hip hop is one of the most dominant genres in Senegal and arguably the strongest artistic influencer on the country’s socio-political discourse. In this session, we get the perspectives of notable hip hop artists and a taste of the internationally acclaimed Journal Rappé YouTube show, which has millions of international followers.

Musician and activist – Senegal
Didier Awadi
Studio Sankara – Senegal
Amadou Fall Ba
AfriCulturban – Senegal
Fatou Kandé Senghor
Waru Studio – Senegal

How do we benefit from the media?

12:15 to 13:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

Musicians from all over the continent thrive on exposure provided by media platforms such as TV, radio as well as print and online publications. This is an opportunity to hear from some of the big players in the broadcasting world about the state of media and more importantly, how musicians can benefit from them.

Johannes Theurer
RBB / European Broadcasting Union – Germany
Julien Guenais
Trace TV – France
Gabriel Bartolini
Vibe Radio – Sénégal
Kalin Pashaliev
Editor-in-chief - Music In Africa Foundation (South Africa)

Music festivals for Africa – this is what you need to know

14:00 to 15:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

On this panel are representatives of some of the biggest music festivals in Africa, which offer performing opportunities and much more to the industry every year.

Yusuf Mahmoud
Director - Sauti za Busara festival (Tanzania)
Christine Semba
WOMEX – Germany
Anselme Sawadogo
Jazz à Ouaga – Burkina Faso
Todd Puckhaber
Faisal Kiwewa
Director - Bayimba Festival (Uganda)
Amadou Fall Ba
AfriCulturban – Senegal

Women in music – changing the narrative

15:00 to 16:00
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

It is no secret that the music industry is dominated by men and that this is a reality that needs to be addressed. This session will zoom in on women’s initiatives happening in the African music industry. The panel will open with a presentation of the Women In Music Forum in Kenya and other similar initiatives.

Christine Kamau
Musician / Founder - Women In Music Forum (Kenya)
Maah Khoudia Keïta
Musician – Sénégal
Guiomar Alonso Cano
UNESCO Dakar – Senegal
Ina Thiam
Urban Women Week – Senegal

From the partners and closing announcements

16:20 to 16:45
Conference sessions
Place du Souvenir

During this closing segment of ACCES 2017 we will receive important announcements about ACCES 2018, as well a few words from the Music In Africa and ACCES founding partners – Siemens Stiftung and Goethe-Institut.

Philip Kueppers
Goethe-Institut – Senegal
Jens Cording
German Music Council
Aisha Deme
Manager - Siriworo (Senegal)