Call for entries: WOMEX competition for music producers
WOMEX, in partnership with Native Instruments, is inviting professional and aspiring producers to participate in the global Metapop remix competition.
- American producer and DJ Nickodemus.
Interested producers are required to mix-match, mash-up, remix, reproduce or reinterpret, in full or parts (stems), the songs of any of the nine featured WOMEX 20 jury-selected artists.
The artists include:
- Madalitso Band (Malawi)
- Fulu Miziki (DRC/Uganda)
- Brìghde Chaimbeul (UK)
- Dongyang Gozupa (South Korea)
- Erol Josué (Haiti/US)
- La Perla (Colombia)
- Nickodemus (US)
- Studio Bros (São Tomé and Príncipe/Portugal)
- Yorkston/Thorne/Khan (India/UK)
Listen to the songs here.
How to participate
Interested producers can submit entries via the Metapop website.
Metapop, powered by Native Instruments, is a global platform where music makers, DJs and producers of all levels share, connect, collaborate, learn and challenge each other to grow musically.
Selection process
The top three winners will be selected by New York-based Wonderwheel Records founder, producer and WOMEX 20 Club Summit artist Nickodemus.
The winner will receive a grand prize worth €1 500 including:
- Komplete 13 Ultimate Collector's Edition.
- WOMEX 21 Porto Registration.
The first runner-up will receive a prize worth €1 100 including Komplete 13 Ultimate.
The second runner-up will receive a prize worth €580 including Komplete 13
The submission deadline is 13 Jan 2021.
View the original call here.
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