Call for applications: Music competition in Canada
Applications are ongoing for the new season of the 21st Century Talents Music Competition in Canada.
- The application deadline is 15 September.
The competition welcomes all instruments, voices and compositions. Last season, the completion saw 180 participants representing 30 countries across the globe. The winners are invited to perform live in Ottawa and all participants will receive special gifts from music education platform PianoUP.
The application deadline is 15 September.
How to apply
To apply for the competition, participants must submit the following information:
- A completed online application form.
- YouTube link to the video recording.
- Biography of the solo applicant or an ensemble (approximately 150 words). Include past participation in competitions, festivals and other public events.
- Application fee.
- Portrait photo of the applicant or the ensemble.
Competition rules
- Only unedited video can be accepted for the audition (parts of video connected together or video clips are not acceptable).
- Video recording should be a fair representation of the participant’s abilities but does not need to be of professional quality. The applicant’s name and exact title of the recording must be included in the description of the video on YouTube.
- Judges’ comments will not be disclosed. Judges’ decisions are final and can’t be appealed.
- The final selection of winners will be based solely on the video recordings submitted.
- Several winners can be selected in each category.
- The grand prize can be awarded for outstanding performance.
- Audience Award: one performance will be selected in each competition based on the audience votes.
Repertoire requirements
- For all competitions except concerto and composition: One selection of any music repertoire of the applicant’s choice will be performed from memory. The duration of the video recording must be up to 10 minutes.
- For Concerto competition only: One single movement or entire concerto along with a solo selection of any music repertoire of the applicant’s choice performed from memory (to be performed at the Winners Recital). No time limit for the concerto and 10 minutes limit for the solo piece. Both compositions must be submitted in one YouTube video (can be combined together).
- For Composition competition only: One selection of any music compositions of the applicant’s choice, written by the applicant within the past five years. The duration of the video or MP3 recording must be up to 10 minutes. Scores must be provided to the competition.
- For the ensemble, the ages of all members of the ensemble will be combined, and then divided by the number of members.
- All videos will be temporarily published on the competition’s website for public view after the deadline.
- The results will be announced within two weeks after the deadline.
Awards and performance
- For the general category, participants will be awarded certificates for first, second and third place, as well as for the Audience Award.
- All participants will receive a special gift from PianoUP. First-place winners will be invited to debut at the Winners Recital and the Award Ceremony in Ottawa.
- For the advanced category, participants will be awarded certificates for first, second and third place, honourable mention, as well as the Audience Award.
- All participants will receive a special gift from PianoUP. First, second, and third place winners will be invited to debut at the Winners Recital and the Award Ceremony in Ottawa.
- The location and the date of the recital will be announced later when concert halls of Canada reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic.
View the original call here.
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