Nigeria: COSON faction calls for Tony Okoroji probe
Although the contest for leadership of the Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) between Tony Okoroji and Efe Omorogbe has led to the suspension of the body's royalties collecting licence, the controversy is yet to abate.
- A group within the Copyright Society of Nigeria is baying for Tony Okoroji's blood.
A new chapter in the body’s troubles was opened on Wednesday when a faction of the body called for the probe of Okoroji’s tenure as COSON head. Okoroji has run the body since its creation until his temporary ouster last year. The call was directed at Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
Known for uncovering the crimes of politicians, the EFCC has yet to respond to the “matter of urgency”, as the faction claims. Part of the reason given for the possible probe is that both the South Africa Music Rights Organisation and the Music Copyright Society of Kenya are supposed to bring smaller revenue than Nigeria given their respectives sizes, but that is not the case.
“Okoroji’s access to and abuse of funds belonging to members continue to embolden and empower him in the continued disregard for constituted authority, abuse of court processes, and war of attrition against perceived enemies,” says a statement.
“Stakeholders, therefore, call on the Nigerian Copyright Commission to rise up to the occasion and enforce compliance as a matter of urgency. We demand affirmative action now.
"Tony Okoroji has bluntly refused to accept the vote of no confidence passed by his colleagues on the board. He has refused to respond to the inquiry of key right owners.
“Tony has instead maintained a stranglehold on the reins at COSON and launching a legal and media war against any and every dissenting voice using the apparatus and of course, funds of right owners whose royalties the directors are duty-bound to protect.”
The faction’s call for the probe recalls comments in a letter addressing the topic by former Chocolate City label head Audu Maikori. “If I were Tony Okoroji I would simply have resigned in the face of these grave allegations for the sake of COSON,” he wrote.
Speaking about the situation, rapper Ruggedman said: "With the impending revocation of COSON’s licence looming over everybody and artists not getting their money, it means that there will be no more money for the artist once the licence is revoked."
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