Mclntosh Jerahuni
Mcintosh Jerahuni
(a.k.a THE TRIPLE THREAT) (Born July 16, 1988) is an artist. A art director, composer, musician, dancer and choreographer was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. Jerahuni’s influence on mbira music cannot be compared to the influence of the foremost pioneers of mbira had on music.
”Credit should be given to this young man for creating a new unique mbira sound and yet still keeping the African harmonies alive”. The Sunday Mail
l attained my training at Savannah Arts for music and dance at Zvishamiso Arts and at the Dance Foundation Course ‘a 3 year Dance training project of the Dance Trust Zimbabwe’.
”McIntosh, a unique artist invented a new language of music (jerahuni music) and uses it to reveal passion, the rage and ecstasy common to human experience”.
Jerahuni created a contemporary style of mbira music to counter the rigid style of the time. He is inspired by life. ‘My first performance was a revelation to me and l decided that l would devote my life to art, dance and music’, sayed Jerahuni. He has developed a platform upon which the art form could step beyond itself to something richer and more complex. His work has a naturalistic style; they embrace life, child abuse, human rights and love relationships. Jerahuni music is easily noticeable with its fast and slow paced mbira rhythmic patterns.
l made my defining work, ”SHINGIRIRO”, translated as” Perseverance” in English. A ten track album which signals the beginning of new era in mbira music. The music brings serious issues to stage for the general and public in a persuasive manner. Influenced by the Zimbabwean life, it focuses on depression and isolation reflected in the dark nature of both his message and mbira. Mclntosh at the age of 30 years has over 750 compositions waiting to be recorded.
”Jerahuni the rising star explains jerahuni music very sensitive & how he abuses his mbira to numb his pain”.The Daily News
The band comprises of six artists, namely Stanley Wasili, Tinashe Muza, Lovemore Motombatso, Prince Msemburi, Vivian Tavaziva and McIntosh Jerahuni. We use our sensitive voices, a bass guitar, percussion, western drums and mbira and sometimes we involve mixing of different instruments, just to create unusual sounds.
Apart from being a musician, Mclntosh is a professional dancer and choreographer currently in his Jerahuni Movement Factory and holds two Zimbabwe’s Outstanding Male Dancer NAMA AWARDS in dance.