Grande Ourse


Grande Ourse is a Dakar based cultural promotion private organization which specializes in events productions and communications managements in arts, culture and Entertainment.

​Created in 2012 by a young Senegalese woman with a solid experience in the music sector in Dakar where she used to manage one of the biggest African Hip-Hop bands, promote international artists in the local market and still works as consultant for private local agencies and international organizations, it now relies on a solid network of local and international cultural promoters, music managers and consultants to promote its initiatives.

In 2013, it co-founded and co-produced OGWEEKENDER, the first Afro-House festival in West-Africa which was a success on its own and received international attention with the participation of strong names in Afro and House music scenes such as Boddhi Satva, TchoubTchoub, Sabine Blaizin and Jojo Flores.

While focusing in arts and culture, Grande Ourse is driven by the idea of these two latter as powerful tools which can above all help foster local cooperations, positively inspire communities and support development-focused dynamic in creative industries in Africa.

SNDakar, Senegal
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