Jacob Sylvester Bilabel


Jacob Sylvester Bilabel is a music professional from Germany.

Bilabel is the founder of the pan-European Green Music Initiative (GMI), an independent cross industry think-tank to inspire people in the music festival and events industry to run their operations greener and smarter. As project leader of the EE MUSIC project, he was responsible for a series of more than 60 workshops which took place in 27 European countries to encourage and equip festivals, clubs and venues with key knowledge and tools to begin understanding and improving energy efficiency.

In 2018 he got appointed as part of a research consortium developing off grid hydrogen generator sets for festivals and events. Both projects received funding for European Commission’s research and innovation programs. Prior to that Bilabel worked in the management of Universal Music Germany. In the following years he set up MySpace’s operations in Germany. He is a mentor at the Akademie der Künste (University of the Arts) in Berlin and founding member of the ReDesign Deutschland initiative. Beside that he is board member of Berlin's Chamber of Commerce for Creative Industries.

Jacob Bilabel is also serving as a part of the German Technical mirror committee for the new ISO 20121 standard for Sustainability in Event Management. In the year 2015 he helped to set up Festival Kombinat, a network of more than 30 independent festivals. In 2016 he got appointed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as expert for innovation processes in the creative sector. In 2017 he became ambassador for the European Take A Stand network, promoting cultural values to young Europeans.

DEBerlin, Germany
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Jacob Sylvester Bilabel

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