Reedivah Da Queen


Reedivah Da Queen is a Malawian Zimbabwean musician,actor , graphic designer and fashion designer. Musically,she has produced and performed Dance, Tribal House, Jazz and Classic Music. She started music in Swaziland 2014 , where she worked with some of of the finest swazi Artists,Shinely Greenz and Mvilas. She collaborated with American song writer Ruth Garness in two songs, Niel from Mexico,the Durbanite Thabile Mtshali, Zululand Poet InyosikaMajola,and has worked with the Legendary singer Nonhlanhla Dlomo.
Reedivah by virtue of being an African woman. She respectfully takes the title Da Queen which puts her in her rightfully place of this motherland earth. Rightfully so our Nubian Queens command respect and love. As a singer she commands the stage and sets her own trend to the music industry, that make people fall in love with her style and rendition of her art form. She is rich in African tradition and apply her experience in her work.
The trio Nations upbringing exposed her to the vast of African cultures traverse building her music career. She is determined to rock the Africa/International music scene, telling Africans’ human empowerment stories in music. Reedivah strongly believes in equity of women and men.ln her theatrical acting career, she has managed to play on South African big stages at Playhouse Company. In 2017 she was nominated in Grahams town National Arts Festival. Currently she's pursuing her music under Jennon Music.

She got fans all around the world e.g Egpyt , Iran, U.S.A where a Songwriter approached to work with her, Canada, Dubai , South Africa where the single stayed on position 1 for 8 consecutive weeks in Grahamstòwn. after releasing her first commercial song. It showed her potential since her song was on the race against Kwesta.
She has received a couple of artists from different countries wanting to collaborate eg..from Lebanon.
Safe to say everyone that comes across her music , designs or see her perfoms drama gives her her crown.
She has a charm

She has an alter_ego that usually leaves people in awe.She commands the stage and claim her crown.
The audience usually asks for more .
They can’t differentiate her alter_ego and her humbleness.
She accommodates everyone and always go with the theme of the events .
Reedivah is one of the people that makes the event organizers stand up and clap for her
The audience always responds by whistling and yelling

Reedivah Da Queen is affiliated with Jennon Music established by the late Jazz Legendary Jennifer Nonhlanhla Dlomo from 80s gro up The Angel’s.
The music company has groomed some of the finest Artists like Thandi Soni who’s in U.S.A working under Lion King, her first album was nominated for the “Best SAMA Awards” in 2009,Scelo Gowane, Tellaman etc.
Nonhlanhla was one the the Bat Centre Legendary artist
Jennifer Nonhlanhla Dlomo was also a vocal trainer and Playhouse actor. She toured in Germany , Switzerland New Switzerland...


ZASouth Africa
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Reedivah Da Queen

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