Thembi Mapefane
Thembekile Mokhosi, 28 is a passionate young Mosotho woman with the love of art and she expresses her art through fashion, crafting, art therapy and importantly music.
Mokhosi has emerged as a leader of mental health in Lesotho. Over the last 4 years volunteering at Morija Arts Centre and The Hub Morija, she has owned the conversation about Art Therapy and she has influenced those around her to engage. Through her work she challenges youth to use art as a means of expression and as ways to cope with mental health challenges. Her recent work at Morija Arts Centre was leading a team of volunteers in Arts Education Program aimed at youth and children in Morija.
She hopes to be a central behavioural change among people in Lesotho to not only see art as means of communication but as a possible economic boost. Mokhosi's musical debut performance was in September 2022 at a Tiny Gallery Concert; Sound Connects Fund Edition, after attending a series of workshops on indigenous instruments and Re-Apropriating Culture Heritage Through New Media. Thembekile has released her first E.P named Ts'imoloho (The Beginning) on the 21st February 2023. Her E.P is build up of 6 songs. It is available on; and