Opportunities for musicians in Rwanda
By Francis Bazatsinda
Rwanda is a landlocked African country fondly known as “the heart of Africa” or “the land of a thousand hills”. Rwanda has a long history of folk music but because of socio-military unrest and violent conduct dating way back from 1960s up to the mid-1990s, many people of Rwanda migrated to countries overseas within those years, carrying with them the Rwandan music to cities such as Brussels.
- Rwandan artist Knowless Butera. Photo: www.igihe.info
- Rwandan Artist Eric Sanderi. Photo: www.richardirakoze.blogspot.com
After the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, music slowly came back to the nation and new stars emerged. For example, Jean-Paul Samputu and his group Ingeli won two Kora Awards in 2003 for their performance of traditional Rwandan music. In due course, other contemporary genres of music emerged, specifically R‘nB, hip-hop and contemporary gospel. The music industry in Rwanda is gradually growing and becoming more professionalized. An increasing number of companies are investing in the development of new talent through festivals, competitions, workshops and music schools. Meanwhile, traditional Rwandan music (gakondo) is gaining more momentum in Rwanda. Many young people are finding opportunities in both gakondo and contemporary music. This article explores some of the opportunities available in both fields.
Primus Guma Guma Super Star (PGGSS)
This is an Rwanda’s annual reality show and singing competition. PGGSS is sponsored by Bralirwa, a Rwandan brewing company through their flagship Primus Beer. It was created by East African Promoters (EAP) to help grow music entertainment in Rwanda. Season 1 premiered in 2011, with Tom Close emerging the winner. Unlike East Africa Breweries' Tusker Project Fame and American Idol, where the competitors are relatively unknown artists, Primus Guma Guma Super Star takes well-known Rwandan musicians and makes them compete against each other for the prize money and the opportunity to move their music career to greater heights. With each season of PGGSS, the cash prize has increased drastically, and attention on the event has grown with every passing year. The fourth season, which took place in 2014, was bigger than the previous seasons, with one of the most celebrated hip-hop stars, Jay Polly, emerging the winner. Previous winners were Tom Close (2011), King James (2012) and Riderman (2013)[i].
Salax Awards
The Salax Awards are a music awards series in Rwanda organized by Ikirezi Group Ltd since 2009. The purpose of the awards is to recognize by excellence without limitations or restrictions all Rwandan talented artists and entertainers. The award winners range from established to under-recognized artists after considering their annual performances. The Salax Awards draws inspiration from various international awards such as MTV Awards, Grammies, BET Awards and Oscars, having recognizing that Rwanda has got serious talented artists in various disciplines.
Many young Rwandans have benefited from Salax Awards, with the awards having earned them popularity in their respective fields and helping to establish them as household names in Rwanda. The awards cover all music genres, from gospel to secular. In 2014 the sixth edition of the Salax Awards took place on 28 March 2014 in Kigali. Prizes were awarded in various categories, including: Best Male Artist (Urban Boyz), Best Female Artist (Knowless), Best Song of the Year (‘Ibitenge’), Best Album: (Knowless’ Uwo ndiwe), Best Group (Urban Boyz), Best Gospel Artist (Gabby Kamanzi), Best Hip-hop Musician (Riderman), Best R&B Artist (Bruce Melodie), Best Afro-Beat Artist (Senderi), Best Traditional Artist (Mani Martin), Best New Artist (Active),Best Video (‘Ninkureka ukagenda’) and Diaspora Recognition Award (Stromae)[ii].
Tusker Project Fame
Tusker Project Fame is an East African reality singing competition show sponsored by Tusker Lager. The show is similar to American Idol and Project Fame South Africa. Musicians compete to win cash and a one-year record deal with Universal Music Group South Africa. One of the Rwanda’s success stories in this competition is Alpha Rwirangira, whose music career got a kickstart when he won the third edition of TPF in 2009. This victory provided him with an opportunity to collaborate with AY from Tanzania to record and release hits songs like ‘Songa Mbele’. He released his debut album One Africa in 2010, including ‘Come to Me’ with Ugandan Bebe Cool. He later won Tusker Project Fame All Stars. Since then, other Rwandan artists such as Patrick Nyamitali, Teta, Sharon and Jackson Kalimba, have participated - but none have so far been able to take home the prize[iii].
Morial Entertainment Group (MEG)
Moriah Entertainment Group LLC is based in Kigali, Rwanda and was started in November 2009. MEG’s mission is to become a full-service gospel entertainment company with a commitment to creating a new path in the gospel entertainment world in Rwanda and all over Africa. MEG organizes different workshops, TV shows and competitions such as the Groove Awards and Alelluya Competions. One of their success stories has been Bahati Alphonse, who was crowned Best New Artiste and Best Male Artiste of the year in 2013 and 2014 respectively at the Groove Awards. Since then, his songs have been riding high in the local market.
Gakondo Group
Rwanda’s musical heritage is rich and goes way back in time. However, preserving these old traditions is still a challenge, and with every old master of inanga (an indigenous stringed instrument) who dies – like Sentore Athanase in 2012 – a whole library of musical knowledge and wisdom disappears. Luckily a young generation of musicians has heeded the call to save the music of their ancestors. The Gakondo Group, headed by renowned traditional musician Massamba Intore, is the most prolific guardian of Rwanda’s musical world heritage. Along with young musicians like Jules Sentore, Daniel Ngarukiye, Sofie Nzayisenga, Michel Ngabo, Emmanuel Habumuremyi, Lionel Mulinda, Abédé, Didier and Tamfum, Massamba and the Gakondo Group are gaining popularity in Rwanda and beyond.
The Gakondo Group holds a weekly concert in Hotel des Milles Collines in Kigali. Here, young musicians who interested in gakondo music, such as Jules Sentore, Teta Diane and Daniel Ngarukiye get a chance to perform in front of a live audience alongside experienced artistes like Massamba and improve their skills. [iv]
The Goethe-Institut is doing significant work in Rwanda, much of it targeting the promotion of gakondo music and in collaboration with the Gakondo Group. For example, in 2013, the Goethe-Institut and the Gakondo Group organized a three-day workshop from 24 to 27 July dubbed ‘Contemplating Traditional Music’ at the Goethe-Institut in Kigali.[v]
Hobe Rwanda
Another popular gakondo project is Hobe Rwanda, an initiative of Mobile Applications Ventures (MAV) Ltd that was started early in 2011 with the help of artist and partners. The event commands a large and growing attendance, viewed worldwide via the internet. The first edition of the event took place at the Rwanda Revenue Authority grounds. The second took place on 13 September 2014 at the Serena Hotel in Kigali. Painters, dancers, singers, poets present their works from 3pm to late. Artists like Mani Martin, Jules Sentore and other members of the Gakondo Group got a chance to perform in the presence of prominent figures and international artists. Through such concerts, people with talent and the ability to sing gakondo music get a chance to expose what they are capable of doing.[vi]
With the recent growth in the Rwandan music industry, new opportunities are opening up every day for those aspiring to make a career from music. Experienced and world-class producers are focusing their attention on promoting music in Rwanda. For example, Uganda-based producer Washington has set up a studio in Rwanda. Various singers have had a chance to use his beats in their songs. Allion has released two songs so far with him: ‘Impinduka’ and ‘Umusumari’, both big hits. Besides that, other Rwandan singers have had collaborations Ugandan artists through Washington, such as Urban Boys with Jackie, and Dream Boys with Kenzo. There are various recording studios in Rwanda that offer affordable rates and are doing really well, and which offer opportunities for young people with ambitions of joining the music industry. These include Narrow Road Productions, Touch Studios and Kina Music Recording Studios. In conclusion, the future looks bright for the Rwandan music industry, and the various projects outlined above present ideal opportunities for young Rwandan musicians to establish themselves.
[i] https://www.facebook.com/pggsss4 [ii] https://www.facebook.com/salaxawards [iii] https://www.facebook.com/tuskerprojectfameuganda [iv] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gakondo-GROUP/498113023602081 [v] https://www.facebook.com/goethe.kigali [vi] http://hoberwanda.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/Hobe.RwandaMost popular
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