22 Apr 2024Participez à notre enquête sur Music In AfricaDans le cadre de ses efforts pour évaluer et améliorer en permanence son travail, la Fondation...By Music In Africa...
19 Apr 2024Share your feedback with Music In Africa As part of efforts to continuously evaluate and improve our work, the Music In Africa Foundation (...By Music In Africa...
02 Jun 2023Fondation Music In Africa, 10 ans au service de la filière...Le conseil d'administration, la direction, le personnel, les partenaires et les amis de la...By Music In Africa...
24 May 2023MIAF reflects on 10 years of supporting the African music...The Music In Africa Foundation ’s (MIAF’s) board, directorate, staff, partners and friends are...By Music In Africa...
23 May 2023Music In Africa fête ses 10 ans à Munich avec un line-up...La Fondation Music In Africa (MIAF) présentera sept groupes qui représenteront huit pays africains...By Alvin Matanda
22 May 2023Music In Africa to celebrate 10 years with stellar line-up...The Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) will present seven bands representing eight African countries...By Music In Africa...
24 Mar 2023Music In Africa fête ses 10 ans à Munich en AllemagneLa Fondation Music In Africa (MIAF) présentera huit groupes originaires de neuf pays africains à...By Inhouse team
07 Sep 2022MIALive: ANDYMKOSI to host Bedroom Tour gigSouth African rapper ANDYMKOSI, in partnership with the Music In Africa Foundation , will host a...By Ano Shumba
14 May 2020Munich Biennale announces Journal Rappé streaming datesThe Munich Biennale in Germany has announced the streaming dates for Journal Rappé – a Senegalese...By Lucy Ilado
31 Jan 2020Senegalese rappers to present Journal Rappé at Munich...A partnership between the Music In Africa Foundation , Siemens Stiftung and Goethe-Institut will...By Lucy Ilado
21 Jun 2016Music In Africa to co-host panel discussion on Kenya’s...Music In Africa in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Nairobi will bring together Kenyan music...By In-house East Africa
25 Nov 2015Music In Africa renforce son partenariat avec Siemens...La Fondation Music In Africa et la Fondation Siemens Stiftung ont signé ce 20 Novembre 2015 un...By Music In Africa...